A Comprehensive Guide to Preserving your Paver Patio

high quality paver patio install

Welcome to Three Timbers’ grand unveiling of secrets from the world of landscaping. We are pioneers, with visions of not just elevating your outdoor spaces, but of becoming the most sought-after name in landscaping. Our ethos revolves around precision, craftsmanship, and sharing our treasure trove of knowledge. This guide serves dual purposes – as a bible for our dedicated crew members and as a transparent insight for our esteemed clientele. Dive deep, be it to master your profession or to transform your own little patch of Earth.


Concrete pavers are akin to a fine legacy, an heirloom, spanning across generations, provided they are placed thoughtfully on a fortified base. Adherence to the rigorous ICPI guidelines ensures that these structures require the bare minimum in terms of upkeep. Ensuring your paver installation reaps the most aesthetic and functional benefits is an art, and this guide is your paintbrush.

JOINT SAND: The Unsung Hero of Paving

Every landscape tells a story, and for concrete pavers, it’s the tale of tiny grains of sand binding the narrative. As days turn into months and years, the ever-moving carousel of vehicles and footfalls showers the paver joints with fine dust. This dust, far from being an intruder, reinforces the sand-filled joints, ensuring stability and longevity. However, Mother Nature, with her winds and occasional runoffs, can sometimes erode this sand foundation. Fear not, for a replenishing touch of dry sand is the remedy. Insider tip: The world of landscaping is always evolving, and one such innovation is stabilized sand. Acting as an alternative to mason sand, it’s an efficient solution against frequent sand loss. And the role of sealers? They’re like the final lacquer on a masterpiece, binding the sand in place. Your paver manufacturer or distributor can be a reservoir of information regarding these products, ensuring you make informed decisions.


Now, if you spot little green tendrils weaving their way between the pavers, don’t be alarmed. Contrary to popular belief, these weeds aren’t rising from the sand or soil underneath; they’re windblown tourists settling in. Manual uprooting or the application of environmentally-conscious herbicides can send these unwelcome guests packing. And for those tiny ant colonizers? Sealers play a dual role, both in holding the sand and denying ants and seeds the chance to set up shop.


One of the shining virtues of concrete pavers is their resilience against the winter months. They are like the knights of winter, standing steadfast against freeze-thaw cycles, while also resisting the potentially corrosive effects of de-icing salts. With the right tools at your disposal, including shovels, plows, or even avant-garde electric snow-melting systems, you can ensure that your paved area remains as pristine as a summer’s day.

paver driveway installation

EFFLORESCENCE: Nature’s Graffiti

Have you ever seen a fresh paver installation and then noticed a whitish hue or haze after a few weeks? Enter efflorescence. This is nature’s way of leaving its mark, stemming from a natural reaction between the lime in the cement and water. But fret not, for while it may seem out of place, it’s harmless. With time, this ghostly hue fades on its own, but if you’re one for immediate action, specialized cleaners come to the rescue. One word of caution: Always approach cleaning with the right technique to avoid inadvertently harming the paver’s aesthetic.


Much like a classic painting, the color in concrete pavers is a result of adding meticulous amounts of pigment during the production phase. Held in place by cement, these colors are designed to stand the test of time. However, as the seasons change and traffic flows, a slow and graceful change in hue can be observed. This isn’t a decline, but a natural evolution. Regular maintenance, encompassing cleaning and sealing, ensures this evolution is more ‘vintage charm’ and less ‘wear and tear’.


Over time, certain areas might show signs of settlement, often a result of factors like water exposure, inconsistent compaction, or even sneaky edge restraints losing their grip. But here’s the silver lining: the modularity of concrete pavers. You can easily adjust, uplift, or reinstall them as required. For utility-based excavations, once the necessary repairs are done, the pavers can be seamlessly reintegrated, maintaining the aesthetic integrity of the area.


Life is messy and cars, well, they leak. While the pavers remain undamaged, oil stains can be unsightly. Early action is key. A concoction of liquid detergent and some fervent scrubbing, followed by a rinse with hot water, usually does the trick. Persistent stains might require specialized cleaners. Sometimes, the most efficient solution is to simply replace the stained paver, ensuring the space remains immaculate.

In essence, whether you’re an ambitious crew member of Three Timbers, aiming for perfection at every job, or a homeowner, drawing inspiration from our magnum opuses, this guide embodies the distilled wisdom of our years in the landscaping industry.